Sunday, January 21, 2007

Stand-Up comedy story

3 years have passed since the very first time I performed stand up comedy. Stand up is much more fun nowadays mainly because people have stopped throwing beer bottles at me....for now. I can remember that first time; I got booed off the stage with beer bottles whizzing all around me.

"You're an asshole! Get off, you're being a fucking jerk!"

Looking back, yeah maybe I was being a little harsh. But in my defense, the joke that everyone got pissed off at was pretty damn funny. If I could re-enact the joke in text form, I would. This, however, would not do the joke much justice and its not really all that funny in print form, I have to act it out.

(If you would like to know what the joke is, message me and I'll, to the best of my ability, explain it through type.)

You can really learn quite a bit about yourself and your poise whenever you have a room full of angry people booing you and throwing glass objects at you. I guess in the long run, I'm glad I got people pissed at me the first time. I wasn't allowed to come back, but I still tried again at different venues. Hopefully, I won't have to deal with an angry mob again. And if I do, I'll know how to handle the situation a little better.

1 comment:

J.U. said...

So, what was that joke that got you in that bind?